kupfer reborn

kupfer, a smart, quick launcher


Kupfer is an interface for quick and convenient access to applications and their documents.

The most typical use is to find a specific application and launch it. We have tried to make Kupfer easy to extend with plugins so that this quick-access paradigm can be extended to many more objects than just applications.

We hope that using Kupfer is fun!

Latest version

Feature Highlight

Kupfer is a keyboard-focused interface and very configurable. You can set accelerator keys to often used actions, see the PR for more information and screenshots.

Get Kupfer from your distribution

Ubuntu and Debian
Kupfer is available in the repository under the package name kupfer, you can install it with your package manager.
Arch Linux
Kupfer is available in the official community repository.

Installation from Source

See the README.rst for more information!


  1. User’s Guide
  2. Technical Documentation
